Thursday, April 21, 2011

Question 001

What is the supreme law of the land?

What is the supreme law of the land?  The constitution, created in 1787.  It's the oldest written constitution in the world, and still very much alive and debated.

The constitution establishes the system of government of the United States.  It ensures our basic freedoms.  It distributes powers of government between the states and the federal government.  It establishes checks and  balances between the branches of government.  It's an extraordinary document.

Yeah, it is and was an extraordinary document.  But it's only as good as the people who interpret it.  Want to know the real power in the land?  Money!  And you can be sure that if the money is green enough, the constitution will fly out the window....

Saturday, April 16, 2011


Paul and Steven will have a lot to say as we discuss the 100 citizenship questions.  Let's get started, and let them go at each other!

Welcome 004

Hi, I'm Paul.  I'm an artist, struggling to get my work displayed.  The United States is a great country that's been hijacked by the media, the corporations, and rampant materialism!

Welcome 003

Hi, I'm Steven, an investment banker.  I'm proud to be a citizen of the world's greatest country--the United States of America.  Our country is a beacon for freedom and liberty, respected and loved by all nations of the world

Welcome 002

It's easy to learn questions and answers.  But the 100 questions invoke many important concepts and issues that are still important today.  So I've invited two friends to join this blog.  Free speech is the essence of democracy, and as you'll see, these two couldn't be more different....

Welcome 001

Welcome, Lucy, and all the other people who are reading this blog.  This blog will help you prepare for the interview to obtain your United States citizenship.  Here, we will discuss and analyze the 100 questions about the United States, its history, and its form of government.